Osmo Toothpaste

Gel dentifricio azione alito fresco Osmo Toothpaste

Fresh breath action toothpaste gel Osmo Toothpaste thanks to the combination of 2 Fluorine Salts and Mint for Piedmont.

Osmo Baby Care

Bagno-shampoo neutro bambini Osmo Baby Care

Baby bath shampoo neutrl gel Osmo Baby Care with Aloe Vera for an emollient and soothing action.

Osmo Shampoo

Shampoo delicato uso quotidiano Osmo Shampoo

Gentle day shampoo Osmo Shampoo with emollient and soothing action thanks to Aloe Vera.

Osmo Shower Gel

Gel doccia rilassante Osmo Shower Gel

Relaxing shower gel Osmo Shower Gel with emollient action thanks to Aloe Vera. Ideal for an active and gentle action on the skin of every part of the body.

Osmo Hand Wash

Gel lavamani emolliente Osmo Hand Wash

Emollient hand wash gel Osmo Hand Wash thanks to Aloe Vera ensures an emollient and soothing action. It has a fresh and neutral fragrance.

Osmo Doux Visage

Crema-scrub viso delicata Osmo Doux Visage

Osmo Doux Visage delicate face cream-scrub with natural microspheres for a non-aggressive exfoliating action. The Halamelis gives brightness and freshness to the skin.

Osmo Sphere

Acqua micellare osmotizzata Osmo Sphere

Osmo Sphere Micellar Water contains water for complete and effective cleansing.